The Town of Yorktown, Indiana

A Great Place to Call Home

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In 2015 the Town of Yorktown partnered with the National Research Center and the International City/County Managers Association to conduct the Yorktown Citizen Survey.  The survey is intended to give a snapshot look at the attitudes of the citizens living in Yorktown in regards to the governance and attributes of the community.  Elected and appointed leaders in the community will utilize the data in formulating policy's and strategic planning for the community. In addition to providing direction to the government, the survey results also allow the community to compare citizen satisfaction in comparison to other communities in the state, region and United State.  

Attached are the Community Livability Report, Dashboard of Summaries, and Technical Appendices that provide the results of the survey.  Briefly the town had 39% participation rate (excellent in surveying methods).  The Town rated higher in many areas comparatively to other communities of similar size including, public safety, K-12 education, mobility, and cost of living.  Area's of concern continue to be economic recovery, job creation, and shopping opportunities.  

Most encouraging is that better than 95% of the survey respondents rated Yorktown is a good to excellent place to live.  The same percentage also would recommend or highly recommend the Town as a place to live.