The Town of Yorktown, Indiana

A Great Place to Call Home

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The Town of Yorktown requires homeowners obtaining a building permit or selling their home to have a Inflow and Infiltration Inspection done to determine if properties are illicitly discharging rain/ground water into the sanitary system.  Over 50% of storm water entering a sanitary sewer system is caused by improperly connected sump pumps and down spouts.  

Rain/ground water entering the Yorktown Sanitary Sewer System can have a detrimental impact on the sanitary sewer process possibly causing overflows in basements, manholes and the Yorktown Treatment Plant.  All of these will ultimately cause environmental issues, wear out equipment prematurely and cause an increase in sewer rates.  Below are 4 videos that explain what inflow and infiltration is, the damage that it causes, what homeowners can do to prevent inflow and infiltration and what Municipalities are doing to prevent inflow and infiltration.  

If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Yorktown Waste Water Treatment Plant at 765-759-9698. 

What is Inflow and Infiltration

Protecting our Sanitary Sewers


What Residents Can do to Protect from Inflow and Infiltration


What Municipalities are doing to Protect from Inflow and Infiltration