The Town of Yorktown, Indiana

A Great Place to Call Home

  68° Forecast

It has come to the Town’s attention that there are questions regarding the purchase of property for the Downtown Revitalization.  Representatives of the town and consultants working on the revitalization project have been meeting with property owners over the last few weeks in the redevelopment area to discuss the project.  The reinvestment in downtown has been an ongoing effort since 2006, with the reconstruction of Smith Street which provided the current aesthetic look in the downtown area.

To take the next step the Town Council and Redevelopment Commission have been looking at ways to enhance commercial and retail opportunities.  Town residents spend over $35,000,000 per year in communities outside of Yorktown at groceries, marketplaces, coffee shops and restaurants.  A successful revitalization project will focus on creating new commercial, retail and housing opportunities to help keep a larger portion of that money in our local economy and help create a more active and vibrant community.   

The various components of the plan have been discussed at a number of public meetings, and posted on the town’s website and social media.  For the plan to work and to create opportunities for more commercial and retail activities, various buildings and homes in what is currently downtown will need to change.  The goal of meeting with the property owners was to explain the plan and work with them on purchasing property for redevelopment.  There are a number of processes laid out through the Indiana Statutes (IC 36-1-4-5) that the Town must follow in working with homeowners and the town or representatives of the town will continue to follow those processes to ensure fair and proper compensation to the property owners in the area.